About Fulcrum

In the ever-evolving landscape of field operations and data management, Fulcrum emerges as a significant player poised to redefine how businesses gather, analyze, and report data. With its robust platform, Fulcrum promises to cut costs, improve data reliability, and enable digital transformation, making it an attractive option for companies eager to depart from the archaic paper processes in favor of a more streamlined digital solution.

Fulcrum's platform is rich with features that cater to a wide spectrum of industries, from agriculture to engineering to utilities, and beyond. The platform's flexibility is one of its standout attributes. It offers a variety of tools that can be customized to fit different enterprise data collection processes. This includes the ability to capture accurate data quickly and easily, gather location information automatically, and share updates in real-time. The drag-and-drop app modification and full customization capabilities stand out as especially useful for businesses that have evolving needs and require a platform that can keep up with their pace.

One noteworthy aspect of Fulcrum is its emphasis on geospatial data capabilities. For industries where location is crucial, such as engineering or environmental services, Fulcrum's integration with Esri ArcGIS and its robust geospatial features provide a compelling argument for its adoption. The ability to perform vegetation management, pole inspections, and coordinate maintenance with GIS accuracy speaks to Fulcrum's commitment to providing tools that are not just functional but are also precise and industry-specific.

Furthermore, Fulcrum's offline data collection feature addresses a common pain point for field teams operating in remote areas where connectivity is unreliable. This thoughtful inclusion ensures that data collection is not hindered by the environment, which is a significant benefit for teams that are often on the move.

The platform's commitment to operational efficiency and data accuracy is also reflected in its automated reporting and alerting system, as well as its customizable reporting that can empower businesses to make data-driven decisions swiftly. For field operations, the assurance of mandatory fields, evidence collection, and automatic location capture can lead to improved accountability and quality of data.

Customer support and the sense of partnership that Fulcrum offers is another high point. The availability of resources like webinars, guides, and a responsive support system underscores Fulcrum's commitment to not just sell a product but to accompany its clients on their digital transformation journey.

In the grand scheme of things, no service is without its potential drawbacks. While the breadth of Fulcrum's features is impressive, it may present a steep learning curve for some users, particularly those who are less technologically adept. Moreover, the cost implications of adopting such a comprehensive platform could be a consideration for smaller businesses or those with limited budgets.

In conclusion, Fulcrum seems to have carved out a niche for itself in the mobile data collection software industry with its strong focus on geospatial data, customization, and industry-specific solutions. Its commitment to improving operational efficiency, data quality, and customer support makes it a worthy contender for businesses looking to make a substantial shift in how they collect and use field data. While it may not be the perfect fit for every organization, those that align with its capabilities are likely to find a powerful ally in Fulcrum.

Products and Services

Fulcrum offers a comprehensive and customizable mobile data collection platform that enhances operational efficiency and decision-making through robust geospatial capabilities, managed and professional services, and seamless back office integration, catering to a wide array of industries for improved data reliability and transformative digital workflows.

Platform Overview

Fulcrum's platform offers cost reduction, improved data reliability, and digital transformation capabilities. It supports the creation of apps, workflow enhancements, and geospatial capabilities, aiming to connect field data collection with back office integration methods.

Managed Services

Fulcrum provides managed services to optimize return on investment with the support of their specialists, ensuring that clients get the most out of the Fulcrum platform.

Professional Services

Fulcrum offers professional services to enhance applications, workflows, and reports, taking data collection and field operations to the next level.

Geospatial Capabilities

Fulcrum emphasizes the impact of location data, offering advanced geospatial capabilities to maximize the usefulness of collected data in various operational contexts.


  • Provides a single platform for various data collection and field inspection needs

  • Offers real-time geospatial data capture and integration with GIS technologies

  • Supports a wide range of industries with customizable data collection processes

  • Emphasizes data reliability and enables digital transformation with easy app modification


  • May require a learning curve for fully leveraging geospatial capabilities

  • Customization options might be overwhelming for smaller enterprises without dedicated IT support

Getting Started

After signing up with Fulcrum, you can expect to start by exploring the platform through a free trial, which allows you to test the data collection and field inspection capabilities. The platform offers a range of services such as managed services, professional services, and connect integration methods that can be customized to fit your enterprise needs. You can learn from customer stories and access various resources like webinars, guides, and support to ensure a smooth onboarding process. To get started, you can register for a webinar, schedule a demo, or opt for a free trial directly on their website. If Fulcrum doesn't seem right, you can check out the rest of our rankings.