About Device Magic

In the realm of mobile data collection software, Device Magic emerges as a notable contender that merits consideration by businesses looking to digitize and streamline their field operations. With a platform that emphasizes real-time data collection and reporting, Device Magic offers a solution that could be particularly beneficial for companies needing to ensure compliance and make swift decisions based on accurate field data.

One of the standout features of Device Magic is its user-friendly mobile forms. The company's drag-and-drop Form Builder simplifies the creation of custom mobile forms, potentially saving valuable administrative time. This is crucial for teams that need to collect data in the field efficiently, often under time constraints or in dynamic environments. Additionally, the ability to submit forms offline is a significant advantage for those working in areas with unreliable internet connectivity. This ensures that data is not lost and can be synced once a connection is re-established, which is a practical boon for many field teams.

Moreover, Device Magic's commitment to operational efficiency is exemplified by its white label solutions and partner program, which suggest a level of customization and collaboration that can be adapted to various business needs. Their offerings are not just about providing a platform but about integrating with a company's existing systems to create a seamless workflow. The ROI Calculator is another useful tool that can help businesses quantify the potential financial benefits of using Device Magic, a feature that underscores the company's focus on delivering tangible value to its clients.

In terms of support, Device Magic appears to understand the importance of reliable customer service, offering free onboarding and form-building support. The presence of a dedicated support system can be reassuring for businesses that may require assistance during the implementation of new software tools.

The company's blog also indicates a dedication to providing valuable insights and updates on industry best practices, which can be a resourceful guide for customers aiming to stay ahead in their respective fields.

However, like any software solution, Device Magic may not be the perfect fit for every business. While the platform boasts robust capabilities, smaller businesses or those with less complex data collection needs might find the features more extensive than required. Similarly, companies that do not prioritize real-time data collection or have a more static data collection process might not fully benefit from all that Device Magic has to offer.

In the competitive landscape of mobile data collection software, Device Magic sets itself apart with a focus on real-time insights, efficiency, and customization. Its strength lies in supporting businesses that operate in compliance-driven environments or those that need to make rapid, informed decisions based on field data. While the platform offers comprehensive features that can cater to a wide range of industries, potential customers should evaluate their specific needs against the services provided to ensure the best fit for their operations. With its customer-centric approach and a suite of adaptable tools, Device Magic is well-positioned as a valuable ally in any company's digital transformation journey.

Products and Services

Device Magic offers a comprehensive suite of mobile data collection solutions that empower teams to capture and report data in real time, efficiently integrate with existing systems, and analyze return on investment, all through customizable forms that work both online and offline, ensuring operational efficiency and compliance for a variety of industries.

Mobile Forms

Customizable mobile forms that enable data collection anywhere, even offline, with features like validation, rich media capture, and reference to live data resources.

Real-Time Data Reporting

Real-time data collection and reporting to ensure compliance and facilitate quicker decision-making for faster responses to identified issues.

Data Integration

Seamless integration capabilities to connect completed forms in various formats with existing data systems, reducing data re-entry requirements.

ROI Calculator

A tool to estimate the return on investment when transforming the data collection process with Device Magic's digital solutions.


  • Significantly reduces data entry errors and administrative time

  • Saves an average of 11 hours per week for field teams

  • Provides mobile solutions that digitize paper forms and streamline data collection

  • Offers a partner program for support and guidance to maximize platform use


  • May not be as suitable for companies not looking to mobilize their data collection

  • The partner program may require a commitment to a longer-term collaboration

Getting Started

Device Magic offers a mobile forms and business data collection service, and after signing up, you'll be able to build smarter forms, collect data anywhere, and deliver it to the right places. The platform boasts real-time data for faster decision-making and promises a reduction in data entry errors and saved time. To get started with Device Magic, you can schedule a demo, partner with them, or try their platform through their website. If Device Magic doesn't meet your needs, consider exploring the rest of our rankings.